Ambassador Court York
Court York AmbassadorAssassador Court, The Mount, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 2-bed appartment
Real estate YOR160119. Information shown about this real estate includes a real estate ad. These real estate advertisements do not represent any information about the real estate. This information is provided and updated by Carter Jonas - York. To obtain any information available under The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulation 2007 or the Home Report relating to a Scottish home, please consult the sales representative directly.
0843 numbers are billed at 4p/min from the BT landline network. Calling from other countries may differ, and calling from mobile phones and outside the UK will be higher. Calling numbers starting with 01, 02 and 03 numbers is made from fixed and mobile phones.
Zoo Pla
The " mean " rate indicated in Mb corresponds to the rate available to 50% of the clients with this type of service at peaks (between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.). Real speeds depend on your wiring, your environment and (for non-glass fiber products) the hour of the night and how far you are from the switchboard.
The majority of vendors will tell you the likely rate you will get at the start of your on-line registration - this may differ from the mean rate shown in our chart. 12 properties have been on sale on the mountain in the last 5 years with an avarage home selling at £463,375 and this apartment was last bought on 14 December 2017 for £240,000.
At present there are 93 homes and apartments in YO24 with an offer priced at 269,372 and 26 homes in YO24 with an offer priced at 215 pounds.
Zoo Pla
The " mean " rate indicated in Mb corresponds to the rate available to 50% of the clients with this type of service at peaks (between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.). Real speeds depend on your wiring, your environment and (for non-glass fiber products) the hour of the night and how far you are from the switchboard.
The majority of vendors will tell you the likely rate you will get at the start of your on-line registration - this may differ from the mean rate shown in our chart. 12 properties were on sale on the mountain, YO24 in the last 5 years with an avarage home value of 463,375, and this apartment was last bought on 16 May 2018 for 520,000 pounds.
Currently there are 93 villas and apartments for sell in YO24 with an offer priced at £269,372 and 26 apartments for hire in YO24 with an offer priced at £215 pw.