Apple Macbook Air Stickers
Macbook Air StickersWhich town and state vinylstickers and stickers are available? Apple MacBook Airs and MacBook Pros text labels and stickers include Apple MacBook Airs and MacBook Pros design numbers for major US locations, including California, Texas, New York, Maine, Georgia, Boston, Chicago, New York, and San Francisco.
Labels for MacBook Citys and State are available in monochrome and vary by product. For example, in some cases, such as a Miami label provided for MacBooks, a sketch of the cityscape can be inserted into the label along with the name of the town. On the stickers and stickers which words can be found?
Put words with hash tags are available in various colours i. e. rose, amber, schwarz and amber. Several of the contained expressions are phrase names like rose, musical, mint und swing. The Apple MacBook Air and Pro stickers are available in one colour only. Besides hathtag expressions, there are other vinylstickers for Apple MacBooks in other words.
A few samples of these other words and expressions are given below: Which pictures are available for the stickers and decorations? Pictures that may appear on the back of MacBook Pros and MacBook Airs differ from label to label. There are several Super Hero pictures available, among them Iron Man, Batman and Spider-Man. Additionally, certain trademarks such as Disney have stickers that can be attached to the back of an Apple MacBook.
A few pictures, such as a vinylsticker by Michael Jordan, are available in colour. Besides trademarks and humans, pictures of properties are also available. Yes, there are some product types intended to provide coverage for Apple MacBook Pros and MacBook Airs. Available are Carbon Label Coverings that conceal the full exterior of an Apple MacBook.
The stickers are conceived to prevent falling and scratching. Please note that these are not hardcases, but rather covers on the outside of MacBooks.