Average Taxi fare
Approximate taxi fareIn order to proceed, please activate your web browsers cookie.
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How high is the average taxi fare from Delhi to Shimla?
Taxi rates depend on the kind of car you are renting. Normally I like Tata Indigo, which is also often used as a limousine in taxi cabs. When you rent a taxi from the airports, say Terminals 3 and 3, then after getting off go to the far end of the arrivals area. Do not rent a taxi from Meru or Megha taxi desks; they are much more expensive than privately owned cabs.
There is a desk for taxi drivers at the end of the arrivals area. From there you can rent a Tata Indigo for 8k to 9k. Thanks for your feed back! It'?s confidential, your personal information. Savaari Car Rental can arrange for you to have a taxi from Delhi to Shimla within your budget.
Savaari Car Rental offers a choice of 4200 cars for rent from Delhi to Shimla. From Delhi to Shimla the taxi fare for 3 nights is about 7000 to 12000 meters. Thanks for your feed back! It'?s confidential, your personal information.
Avarage Taxi Tariff in Haurghada - Saurghada Message Board
Don't use a taxi on the street.... use ABC taxi, very inexpensive and dependable, no bargaining and no advance payment. Due to lack of activity, this thread has been dropped for new postings. Contributions that do not comply with our policies will be removed, and we retain the right to delete any contribution for any reasons.