Big Woody Johnson
# Big Woody Johnson #"Notification list":" ", "DiscoveryPanelSummary":" ", "htmlList":" ", "Subnav":" ", "Wish list":" ", "Shopping cart":" "}}}}; })));
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Jet's owners Woody Johnson among the big contributors who join the Trump Founding Group.
New Jersey financial backer Lewis Eisenberg and New York jet owners Woody Johnson, who both collected funds for Donald Trump's pre-election election drive, were among those appointed after the Presidency Accession Comitee. Eisenberg, a Rumson Resident who led the collective fund-raising efforts between Trump and the Republican National Commitee, will be a financial co-chair of the Founding Comittee.
Trump giver Thomas J. Barrack Jr., an investors and former Assistant Secretary of State of the Interior under President Ronald Reagan, will lead the opening panels. It was Donald Trump who said he'd "empty the Washington swamp." He is a VP of Finances along with Gov. Chris Christie's former Chief Financial Officer, Ray Washburne.
They were both deputy chairmen of the Trump-GOP joint fund-raising commitee. Ironberg raises at least $200,000 for President George W. Bush in 2004 and at least $500,000 for the 2008 John McCain presidential line. In 2004 Washburne collected at least 200,000 dollars for Bush. Johnson raised at least $300,000 for Bush in his two choices and at least $500,000 for McCain in 2008.
In 2012, he said he would rather see GOP president Mitt Romney winning the White House than his side taking the Super Bowl. Contrary to democracy and former Republika candidates for the presidency, both Trump and Romney declined to disclose the name of all their fundraising campaigns and how much they raised.
Another two Trump initiation funding deputy chairmen are Casinos Billard Sheldon Adelson and his Miriam spouse, who have spend million on half the country's candidate republicans, $40 million included two super-political campaign boards that support GOP Senate and House nominees this year. Steve Wynn, another one of the casino's owners, has also been appointed first deputy chairman of finances.