Cab Air Suspension
cabin air suspensionCertain uses necessitate front cabin brackets for better driving and levelling of the cabin. A Cabmate fitted to your lorry will reduce street shocks and setbacks, irritating vibration, back and renal strain and cab upkeep. The Cabmate enhances the cabin surroundings for the attention and security of drivers and enhances the vehicle's re-sale value.
Among the advantages of the cabinmate are: The use of the climate depends on the date of production of the vehicle, the thickness of the chassis track or the distance between the back brackets. Links has delivered several cabin kit for international COE tractor, both as original equipment and as retrofit kit. The majority of Mack forklifts are available with the Mack Protective System. Among these are the Vision Series CH Series Midliner Series CS Series DM/DMM Series.
For Mack Trucks Line provides two retrofitting sets. They are packed as entire sets under one part number.
Products and suppliers:
Products and suppliers: Approximately 15% are suspension systems, 9% are lorry suspensions and 1% are automatic suspension springs. There are a number of cabin air suspension choices available, such as free sample air suspension. We have 330 cabin air suspension supplier companies, mainly based in Asia. China (mainland), Taiwan and Hong Kong are the main supplier nations, accounting for 92%, 3% and 1% of cabin air suspension respectively.
Air suspension cabin systems are most widely used in North America, Southeast Asia and South America. Safeguard your company's safe production by choosing from a range of accredited vendors, among them 81 with ISO9001, 44 with Others, and 31 with SSL14001 accreditation.