Flight Booking fare


Fixed fares - Booking possibilities - Booking With Fare Hold you have the possibility to book up to 3 day rates for your chosen route at the indicated rate for a charge. Once you have decided that you no longer want these tickets, just do nothing and they will be cancelled for you. Select your flight on the Air New Zealand website.

When your route is entitled to keep the fare, a "Keep this fare" icon will appear at the bottom of the "Select your flights" page. Choose this option to keep your rates. We record your route for you (at the same price) for 3 working nights. Attention: The Fare Keep charge is per booking.

There is no charge depending on the number of guests at the time of booking. Your choice of flight and the number of travellers cannot be changed. The Fare Hold service is only available on certain Air New Zealand-operated flights which have been purchased on-line on the Air New Zealand website and have been purchased more than 21 workingdays before the scheduled date of departure.

As soon as you have payed the Fare Hold charge, the fare you have chosen and the luggage you have reserved will be reserved for the flight, the date, the fare and the number of people you have chosen. It is not possible to modify this information once you have payed the charge for holding the fare. Failure to revert before the end of the reserved period to fully payment the reserved rates will result in your booking being canceled.

The reserved rates are kept for you for the reserved period. It is not possible to modify reserved rates during the reserved period. When you need to modify your reserved rates, you must reverse (or expire) your booking and make a new booking. Fare Hold charge is non-refundable.

Reserved fare to or from the United States will be refunded if you choose to void the reserved fare within 24 ours of payment of the fare hold charge. Once this 24-hour limit has expired, the Fare Hold charge will not be eligible for a refund even if you reverse the reserved tariff.

If you wish to void your reserved fare within 24hrs and request a full Fare Hold reimbursement, please call Air New Zealand at 0800 352 266 with your booking preference.

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