How do you get a Taxi Licence
What is the best way to get a taxi license?It is also necessary for the chauffeurs of these cars to have a taxi driving licence. In Aberdeen, the licensing committee has established a limitation on the number of taxiilices. Everyone who wants to request a taxi license must declare his interest in written using the registration of interests method and should adhere to the guide - requests for granting taxi licenses.
Taxi cabs have a number on the back. Most of these back signs are amber and are intended for taxi in the city zone. Approximately 147 automobiles display a verdant sign and are taxi-drivers. You can stop a taxi on the road or at a taxi stand. Every taxi and most privately rented car has a calibration taximeter, and the max price that can be calculated for a trip within Aberdeen is specified in the taxi rate of the Licensing Committee.
Copies of the rates are available in each car to inform travellers. Ticket prices are charged with a calibration counter according to the rate authorised by the city of Aberdeen. A PHC with a counter can calculate less than is specified in the authorized price chart. In the case of taxi rides outside Aberdeen or without meters, the price must be agreed before the start of the trip.
Cars that are to be approved as suitable for wheelchairs (WAV) must be checked according to our specifications in the taxi yard (see below for details). Candidates should fill in the request and guidelines forms and return them to the taxide deposit together with the fees and relevant documents. Subsequently, an inspection date for the car is arranged.
Each new applicant must make a suitable car available. Approval Committee has currently decided that the liquor will be 100% suitable for wheelchairs by 6 June 2019, until the result of an extensive public consultations on the Directive on vehicles suitable for wheelchairs in 2018.