Intercity Taxi Service
The Intercity Taxi ServiceSave yourself the expense of your journey and book your flight on-line before you arrive. Our fleet includes only expert and courteous English-speaking chauffeurs and a wide selection of the latest models, from inexpensive off-the-shelf models to luxury limousines, mini vans, mini buses and buses of various capacities. Satisfied with this firm, we have book and payed on-line and they were on arrival.
It was no trouble, the taxi was neat, and we were brought to our guesthouse without any delays. Excellent service! Cheap fare, chauffeur waited for us on our way, very fast, comfortable trip to the hospital. There were no discomfort, the taxi drivers waited at the destination with a clearly marked sign and were courteous and effective.
When we left, the chauffeur was early and brought us to the airfield in good order. Outstanding service and we would use it again.
Stoke-on-Trent taxi company, Staffordshire - Intercity Privatvermietung
It is the fastest and easiest way to reserve your taxi, whether for now or later. Using the application, you can easily make a taxi reservation and display your pick-up place and expected pick-up times. The other great thing about it is the possibility to make payments by credit cards, so you know that your trip will be charged without the effort of having to stop at an ATM.
Additional functions includes car tracing, saving favorite positions, calling your drivers directly and text warnings when your car is on the road and has landed. There is also an automatic phone reservation system for mobiles and landlines that allows you to make bookings without having to wait for an appointment with an Operator.
It is also possible to make an on-line booking directly through our website booking, directly from our website. Business clients receive a customer log-in for our special web booking for clients, where you have the possibility to reserve and administer your transportation on your own expense. There are still old favorites like "Call Back" for fixed line subscribers that let you know that your car is getting closer by calling your number.
No matter which way you select to reserve your taxi, text warnings have become an integral part of your reservation when it comes to passengers' security. This text contains the color, make, models, and license plates of the car that you can verify to ensure that you are getting into the license car that you have purchased.