International Private Jet Charter Rates
Private International Jet Charter RatesPut in simple terms, no airplane allows you to travel so quickly or so far with so much comforts. It is not difficult to understand why a US charter company calls Gulfstream the Rolls-Royce of corporate jet travel, and it will require something specific from other corporate jet companies to question its domination of the large cabins segment.
The Gulfstream G650 feel first class - not least the 64.5 million dollar pricing plate. As the Gulfstream G650 represents the ultimate asset - as a product of a serious press spectacle - it is clear that some private jet purchasers will be satisfied with nothing less than the Gulfstream G650. G650 is also the favorite airplane for chankers all over the globe.
It' s not uncommon that unaddressed G650s are promoted, but few of them are really for sale. However, the G650s are not really for the market. The Gulfstream G650 was revealed just before the downturn in the finance markets and was the best-selling jet launcher of all time. It is capable of flying quicker and further than any other airplane in its own mass category. The Gulfstream officer took off the G650 in March 2008, but began working silently on it for three years before it took off.
Following much gambling about the initial customer's identities, the first N711SW serial product was shipped in December 2012 to Steve Wynn, the plastic-secured US tycoon whose name virtually towers over the Las Vegas cityscape. The Gulfstream G650 alone has performed well thanks to the restricted range of products on offer, as the value of corporate jets has fallen across the broad front since the Lehman brothers collapsed in September 2008.
Gulfstream maintains that the G650 is the quickest private jet on the water with a Mach 0 operational velocity of 925 (611 mph) (although Cessna plans to surpass this with the Citation X). The Gulfstream can reach up to 51,000 feet, which is significantly higher than the vast majority commercially, so you can negotiate adverse conditions and turmoil, but cab pressures are low enough to theoretically make your passenger experience less jet lag after a Gulfstream G650 flight.
Gulfstream G650 has a max reach of 7,000 nm (12,964 km), which means it can travel non-stop between London and Buenos Aires as well as New York and Dubai. She has a max take-off mass of 45,178 kg (99,600 lb) and Gulfstream equipped the plane with two Rolls Royce BF 725 A1-12 turboprop turbofans, each delivering 16,900 lb of thruster.
With a 47-foot length, 6.5-foot height and 8th floor, the cab of the older 650 is bigger than the older 550. Thanks to their large elliptical window, GF Stream aircraft are clearly visible on the landing area. G650's 16 window sizes are even bigger than regular Golfstream window sizes, giving travellers breathtaking top view.
Within the cab, the GT650 is equipped as Standard with the Gulfstream Car Management System (GCMS). With the GCMS application, travellers can manage temperatures, screens and lighting in the cab from their own smartphones. The Gulfstream 650 is in such high demand however that several property managers - among them Formula 1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone - have resold their plane at a gain to enthusiastic purchasers who would rather buy a car above the listed prices to get their fingers on a full version of the model immediately, rather than wait three years for a brand-new Gulfstream plane from Savannah, Georgia.
That doesn't mean that you can only buy a Gulfstream G650 with the intent to rotate it. G650 Thursday was somewhat stole by the surprising start of the Gulfstream GT650ER on EBACE 2014, which can add an additional 500 nm and make it possible to travel non-stop from Los Angeles to Melbourne in less than 15 hrs and from Hong Kong to New York in about 14 hrs.
Holders of the G650 can, however, purchase a one-week $2 million add-on kit to convert to the actual version of the same G650. So if you don't want to earn $64.5 million, it's possible to charter a Gulfstream G650 for just over $10,000 per hour, according to PrivateFly, an on-line charter brokers.
G650 charter companies in their fleets including ExecuJet, GainJet, Priester and Vertis.