Multi Engine Aircraft Rental
Aircraft multi-engine rentalAn authorization that allows the pilot to control an aircraft with more than one engine.
Petrol engine training & rental - Take Flight Aviation
Take Flight Aviation has received the best of the twin-engine training. New York's award-winning flight school, Take Flight Aviation, is very proud to be the FIRST and ONLY operator of the Austro' G1000 Diamond DA42NG TWIN STAR, the Austro Express's latest generation of aircraft. There'?s no gas-powered aircraft to prepare you for today's dual engine aircraft like the Austro-Powered DA42 NG - and there's only one place in the northeast to get it to go - Take Flight Aviation!
Continue reading.....Most twin-engined aircraft almost seem to run like a strong singles when everything works well. If, however, an engine breaks down in an engine breakdown hole and you loose 50% of your output, but 80% plus your output. You, the aviator, must decide which engine has broken down, spring the prop and lock the broken engine, while still ensuring that you still maintain the asymmetric thrusts of the engine.
One aircraft for which this does not hold true is the diesel-powered Diamond DA42. Austro' DA42 springs the prop onto the engine failure immediately and looks after the entire engine safety system so you can focus on the essentials - aircraft flight. This means for you a much more safe and effective aircraft learning setting, which corresponds to what you will see in today's world.
No other aircraft can do this - not even the gas-powered Lycoming DA42 from Diamond. Austro' DA42 features fully FADEC-controlled thrusters, like most aircraft, whose performance is measured as a percent of engine performance - just like a turbo. Our aircraft trainer has developed a tailor-made programme for the aircraft and we have very skilled trainers to make the course come to life. Our aircraft trainer is very knowledgeable and has a wide range of experience.
Although we have a very well-designed programme, we won't hurry you through - you can study on your own and build the skills you merit... and need. In contrast to most multi-engine exercise centres, our DA42NG can also be rented - both at our home location KMGJ and at KHPN.