Private Jet Options
Personal jet optionsCharter a private jet - Business jet rental - Charter a private jet
No matter if you want to rent a private jet for your private purposes or for your free time, our specialized staff is at your disposal to understand your needs and offer the best possible airfare. The private jet charters give you the possibility to fly to and from the most comfortable airport at a time that suits you, controlling every aspect of your itinerary.
Combining our experience in all aspects of private jet aviation with our unmatched worldwide reach makes us the first port of call for many of the world's top companies, network operators, partner companies in the leisure sector and top brands in the leisure sector. We are available 24 h a day, every single working hour of the year to assist you with every stage of your charters.
Through our dedicated supplier ecosystem, we have real-time visibility into the latest information on airplane availabilities and can provide a wide variety of private jet aircrafts and carrier options that are tailored to your needs. No matter what your private jet charters needs are, our professional staff is at your disposal.
The JetSmarter allows non-members to buy places on shuttle services, take joint private jet charters, sells places to non-members and launches a jet ticket programme.
The JetSmarter, which at the beginning of the year switched to a price scheme that includes payment for both private jet shuttle and empty legged flight tickets early in the year, is likely to announce that it will begin to sell tickets on its planned joint private jet services to non-members. Latest information follows our May 10 issue of our unique review of JetSmarter's new member price base.
- Non-members can now take advantage of shuttles previously reserved only for carpenters who have spent at least $4,950 for one-year affiliation and an initiative charge of $3,000. - Starters, people who want to plan a joint private jet charters trip on call at a certain date can do so now without becoming a member.
- Non-members who buy places or take joint charters are charged higher than members and are encouraged to become members after trying JetSmarter offers. - Members receive privileges exclusively from The Private Suite, Hertz, SBE Hotels, STK Restaurant and other partner hotels.
You will also have first choice on pop-up trips to major venues such as the Super Bowl or to celebs. - Members' and non-members' starter airlines can now offer places that they do not want to offer to their own network of nonmembers' contact points, further lowering their flight-cost. However, the airline still has members who receive free places on journeys of less than threehrs, although excluding shuttle VIPs.
- Prices for non-members, both for the purchase of seating and for the take-off of charters, will differ depending on the different economies of scale, although the differences in the economies JetSmarter is trying to create will be smaller. - JetSmarter plans to introduce a jet chart programme, although it is predicated on aggressive price formation and is unlikely to guarantee uptime.
Whereas jet charts historically provided both one-way rate fixes and guarantee uptime, there are now a wide range of jet chart member programmes that are mainly located between Blockcharter and the classic jet chart.