Taxi Cab Anchorage
Cab anchorageWhen you own a limo transportation company, your company needs security to cover your financial and your assets, your personnel and the risks to your clients. Alaska, Georgia, Nebraska or Nevada, our APIA Insurances team can work with you to create the coverage that meets all your needs.
commercial auto insurance - insures your vehicle's loss or stolen vehicle in your vehicle hire and any personal or material loss or personal injuries to your clients or persons adversely affected by your driver on service. Industrial Non-Life Insurance - insures your offices and their content against loss. Liability insurance - provides cover for your company in the case of a customer malpractice suit, covering misrepresentation and libel.
Umbrella commercial insurance - add extra limit of indemnity to your policy. Workmen's Compensation - provides for health care costs and loss of pay for your staff members who are hurt at work. Responsibility for labour market practice - indemnifies you and your company in the case of a complaint and makes judgements for unintended and unreasonable labour market practice.
Contacting our offices today and protecting your company so you can concentrate on getting back on the street!
ULS License - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional License - WNRE936
Does the claimant belong to a non-resident or non-resident state? Does the declarant represent a foreigner or is he the agent of a foreigner? Does the claimant constitute a body organised under the law of a non-resident state? Whether the claimant is a body of which more than one fifth of the share capitals is held by foreigners or their agents or by a non-resident or non-resident authority or their agents or by a body organised under non-resident law.
Does the requester directly or indirectly control another company whose more than one quarter of the share capitals are held by foreigners, their agents, a non-resident federal republic or their agents, or by a company organised under the law of another state?
Did the claimant or a person who directly or indirectly controls the claimant ever be found liable to a criminal offence by a state or federal tribunal? Have any courts definitively found the claimant, or any party directly or indirectly exercising an interest in the claimant, liable to monopolise or attempt to monopolise illegal wireless communications, directly or indirectly, via controls over the production or distribution of wireless equipment, excluding transport regulations or other means or using dishonest competitive techniques?