1 way Flights
1-way flightsI would like to give you a tip about how to fly with Touthwest Airlines: Make your round trip booking as two single flights. In the south-west, the ticket is sold as a one-way ticket. One return journey consists of only two one-way streets. By booking your outbound and return flights individually, you maintain your full freedom to make changes.
After you have reserved your tickets, say that your schedule has altered. If you want to keep the date of your travel and modify the returns. When booking a roundtrip ticket, you must reverse the whole process and re-book the roundtrip itinerary. When you have two one-way bookings, you can keep the initial booking you did not modify.
The rates vary after the booking, both upwards and downwards. Southwest' No Changing Fees policies mean that if the price drops, you can void your ticket and transfer the same flights to a lower price. Assuming the price for one of the legs rises and for the other goes down, if you reverse and reschedule the whole thing, you only get the net outward and return journey differential.
If, instead, you have two one-way fares, you keep one genuine fare and only re-book the route that has fallen in fare. After all, anyone who flies in the southwest knows that you should arrive exactly 24 hrs before your departing date to get a Group A-Boardcard. However, if you are making a short journey and your plane returns within 24hrs of your outbound journey, you will not be able to board your plane until after the planned start of your outbound journey.
If, for example, you have a roundtrip ticket that departs Thursday at 14:00 and Friday at 13:00, you cannot board your round ticket until after 14:00 on Thursday. Checking in after you leave the aircraft will give you a feared aboard C-ticket. When you have purchased the two one-way flights as separate bookings, you can book your way back Thursday at 13:00.
It' a little more work to buy two single passes.