737 Bbj for Sale
M737 Bbj for saleBoeing Commercial Jets (BBJ) have always been a popular name for the "jet" itself, due to their technological dependability and the consistent further refinement of all interior detail. It goes without saying that a Boeing will be a great companion for this marque. The BBJ line of commercial aircraft, which has boosted the convenience of long-haul flying tenfold, was opened by inspirational design engineers.
Boeing BBJ is a large corporate jumbo plane, which means the provision of a cabin with outstanding levels of convenience. For this, the Boeing Next-Generation 737-700 mid-size commercial jets were used as the prototypes. In addition, the helicopter has reinforced wing, catalytic converter (PATS) propellant tank and chassis of the Boeing 737-800. Boeing BBJ, the Boeing BBJ commercial airline, is a perfect non-stop carrier, flying up to 11,519 kilometres and keeping a cruise line running at 850 kilometres per hour at 12,497 metres.
The BBJ can travel up to 13,000 mile without refuelling, dependent on the number of guests on the aircraft. Boeing BBJ's cabin is reminiscent of a genuine building that connects several functions with the conveniences of the city. The front section contains a kitchen cupboard and a recess for a closet, followed by a sitting lounger with a three-seater settee along the table, three armchairs, two desks and a convertible bed near the dividing wall.
The BBJ is close to the Boeing's stern and offers particular working and recreational facilities that make the sale of BBJs even more appealing. He has a private offices structure that is separate from the eating area with a lavatory and a bathroom so that the sound and the conversation do not disturb the quiet work of the documentary and the preparation for forthcoming events such as meetings.
Of course, the Boeing BBJ is also in great demand for company travel, charters for groups of 20-25 persons as well as for private or group use. Boeing BBJ aircraft's versatile design with their recognisable airfoil makes it possible to operate the BBJ type for commercial use.
Boeing BBJ can take between eight and one hundred guests on board: in any case, personal seating will be at the highest possible standard. Capacity - 50 seats. Eight and a half travellers - cruising distance - 11 480 km / eight people. Fifty - Travelers - Range 10,205 km / 50 travelers.