Air Flights
flightsTravelling times from the USA to New Zealand are calculated on the basis of the 7 day trip back after your date of origin. Ticket must be bought at least 2 business days in advance. We reserve the right to make price changes at any given moment. Our aim is to offer you the most competetive rates in a volatile market place, and therefore our rates may fall.
According to the tariff regulations of all tariffs ( except full tariffs ) we cannot offer a change of reservation with reimbursement of the tariff differential if a lower tariff becomes available. Before making a reservation, please be sure to thoroughly review all tariff regulations. Tickets will be fully refunded without penalties within 24 hrs of purchasing the tickets if purchased 7 or more working days prior to departing the first leg of the journey.
At the end of the first 24 hrs the fares are not reimbursable. Amendments are allowed with a $200 per Adults/Children per economy amendment fine based on available reservation classes. In the event of non-appearance, the tickets are non-refundable and the value of the tickets expires. Tickets will be fully refunded without penalties within 24 hrs of purchasing the tickets if purchased 7 or more working days prior to departing the first leg of the journey.
At the end of the 24 hr start date, a $300 fine will be applied for cancellations at any given moment. Amendments are eligible with a $150 per adult/child Premium Economy Amendment Fee pending reservation classes available. In the event of non-appearance, the tickets are non-refundable and the value of the tickets expires. Busines Premier: The full amount of the fare will be refunded without penalties within 24 working minutes of the date of purchasing the fare if the fare is purchased 7 nights or more before the date of travel of the first leg of the journey.
At the end of the 24 hours notice period, a $500 fine will be payable for a withdrawal at any given moment. Amendments are allowed with a $400 amendment fine in Business Premier per adult/child, depending on reservation category uptime. Failure to appear will result in a fine of $150. Five stops allowed, of which one free stop in Rarotonga and Auckland and three stops in New Zealand at $100 each, which are directly between two points and must be bought at the same price as the international fare.
Many-Flyers - This rate allows you to accumulate a number of many flyers in the Airpoints and United MileagePlus series. Min/Max Residences - no min/max and 12 months max except Executive Premier: 7 day min from continental USA. Presale - Premier Business: 50 day presale.
Guided infants from 2-11 years old are charged 75% of the basic price. Mm-hmm: Premier business: Guided kids from 2-11 years old are charged 100% of the basic price. Fluctuations in foreign currencies may cause tax rates to differ from estimates.