Air new Zealand
New Zealand Air=- proudly presents
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New Zealand Air
Myanmar : Air New Zealand met l'Antarctique au premier plan avec sa dernière vidéo sur la sécurité. The video shows the frozen continent and informs about the important climate and environmental research taking place there. With actor and environmentalist Adrian Grenier, the " Coolest Security Video in the World " takes you on a breathtaking journey to Antarctica, where New Zealand scientists address the most pressing issues of global climate change.
Dans the background of the long-standing collaboration of Air New Zealand's collaboration with Antartica New Zealand and the New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute, the video shows Adrian Grenier together with Scott Base scientists tracking penguin populations, studying ice drill samples and visiting the early Ernest Shackleton explorer's hut et the extensive dry valleys.
<font color="#ffff00">-=?=- proudly presents
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