Air Ticket App
airline ticket appAgainst this backdrop, a new app has been released that allows last minute offers on unsellable aircraft seating. Air Ticket Arena, the cloud-based gaming experience released on Android in early February (there is also a web-based release of the app currently in its beta testing), allows consumers to browse and offer great offers for fares not sold by a variety of carriers around the globe to find the cheapest possible fare determined by the carriers.
You can then browse by city, whether the ticket is straight or involves a stop, and whether it is an economy, premier, business franchise or first class ticket, and bidding can be made up to 14 trading days before the desired date of travel. This company is designed for travelers who are willing and open to impromptu travel, as each individual can type in the maximal amount he or she is willing to spend on a ticket before learning whether his or her offer was a success 48 to 24 hour before depart.
This app also contains the ticket options for kids and toddlers. More than 800 million places are not sold worldwide every year, according to Air Ticket Arena, and the aircraft will serve both airline companies and consumers. "Every empty passenger slot is a total waste for the airline companies and an absolute chance for every traveller," says Kresimir Budinski, President and CEO of AirTicketArena Ltd.
For more information, please visit the Air Ticket Arena website.