Air Transfer

transfer of air

The Air Transfer feature moves what you see or play on your Mac/PC to your iPhone/iPad with a single drag and drop! Safe and easy patient transfer. Air transfer - file transfer from/to PC via WiFi in App Store

This is the simplest way to transfer your file to your computer and back up your iPhone to your computer. Wirelessly transfer media from your iPhone to your computer without using iTunes. 4. Simply drag and drop your content and play: text, bookmarks, pictures and photos, music, movies, docs and more via a single wire-free link!

By dragging and dropping what you see or hear on your Mac/PC onto your iPhone/iPad, Air Transfer lets you transfer what you see or hear on your Mac/PC! Anything you want moves: text note, website adress, picture, film, so on. Transmitted elements are automatically categorized into 7 categories according to their types. And you can see or even gamble with the objects in Air Transfer!

The Air Transfer also works in silent operation, you can change to other applications without interrupting the transfer. Support both iPhone and iPad. 2 ) Playback in Wallpaper Playback Only. 4 ) Support mp3, wav, caf and other audio files. 1 ) Text note, 2) Website, 3) Pictures, 4) Sound, 5) Films, 6) Documentation, 7) Etc.....

2 ) Camera roll, e-mail, SMS, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. The Air Transfer program provides support for QuickTime Movie (.MOV, .MP4) format. 1 ) Make sure the desktops and iDevice are on the same LAN or WiFi connection when using Air Transfer. Otherwise, Air Transfer cannot reconnect to the desktops. 2 ) Click the WiFi key and enter the device URL in the web browser on your Desktop.

Air Transfer is also an great way to back up your pictures or video. 1 ) First of all, upload your pictures and video from the camera roll to the air transfer. 2 ) Back up these imports to your home computer using the web browser. It proved to be just the right application to transfer Wifi from my desk top computer (with the old XP Professionals platform) to my iPhone!

I have also uploaded large PDFs that were too large for emails.

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