Air Travel Sites
Flight travel websitesAs a response to your quotation from the headlines - because every moment a fool is borne and they will always earn while there are rotten humans - i.e.: forever. How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama?
How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama? From LAX to FLR every months against all the carriers of the momondo. How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama? How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama? None. No reservation page can modify a timetable as it does not fly and the tariff regulations are determined by the carrier.
When a third parties website is waiting 60 workingdays for a refund to be processed, that's a different story. This is very rare, especially as most third-party websites do not have lifetime pricing. and websites like Expedia, you will never see these changes.
Each carrier may modify its schedule at its discretion. There may be mechanic troubles, but usually before the race, regular pilots like that when an airplane goes technical, it does so on the floor, so the troubles can be solved there instead of things going wrong at 10,000 meters.
But they are not the only site that operates this lure and switcher businessmodel. However, why EU government agencies, especially in the EU, which have tough legislation to protect consumers, allow them to fuck travellers in the last ten years is overwhelming. How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama? How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama?
Momondo and Vayama's promoted discount coupons don't really exists. They' re decoys and switches. How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama? How come there's still decoys and changeovers like Vayama? I used Vayama and had no problem with them.