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used Palmer vehicles for sales
199 $ Disclosure costs contained in the retail purchase pric. Charges (taxes, titles and licenses) are not part of the retail fee. Intermediate purchase is required for all cars. The EIA may not accurately represent the real retail value of the car in the dealer's area. Please see our advisor for further information. Unavailable for specialized financing, leasing and some other offerings.
Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Must be qualified by GM Financial. Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans.
Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Must be qualified by GM Financial. Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings.
Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer.
Must be qualified by GM Financial. Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings.
Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Must be qualified by GM Financial. Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Must be qualified by GM Financial.
Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Must be qualified by GM Financial. Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing or leasing plans. Accept your order until 10-01-2018.
Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018.
For more information please contact your local retailer. Must be qualified by GM Financial. Unavailable with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. Not available with specific financing, leasing or other offerings. Accept your order until 10-01-2018. For more information please contact your local retailer. 199 $ Disclosure costs contained in the sales consideration.
Charges (taxes, titles and licenses) are not part of the sales prices. Intermediate sales apply to all cars. The EIA may not accurately represent the real sales prices of the car in the dealer's trading area.