Average Cost of Private Jet Charter

Estimated average cost of private jet charter

Private jet charter costs must also include handling charges. Perfect for short flights only, they also come with the lowest average private jet average charter costs. Jet Charter Costs | Air Charter Prices and Tariffs Private jet charters are based on the cost of the entire airplane and not on the number of seats or the number of people. Your charter cost is the cost per hour for the private jet chosen for the respective flying season - this includes the actual flying hours with the passenger as well as the necessary position or empty runs.

Others cost includes per hour refuel charges, applicable tax and other charges. Offerings for certain routes are dependent on the jet type and a number of other variables. In order to better comprehend why the offers may differ, please read our charter offer variants section. In order to receive an individual offer for an impending route, please fill out our online charter offer questionnaire.

What does it cost to own and run a Honda Jet private jet?

Exemplary overview of operational costs per year. Honda Jet's overall 200-hour per year charter fee is approximately $488,879, or $747,699 for 400-hour per year charter. Honda's top airspeed is 423 mb ph, but with lower climbing, cruising and descent rates, it is more likely to reach an average of 338 mb on average, which corresponds to an average price per mil le of about $7.22 at 200 hrs per year.

By flying 400 hrs per year, you can distribute the entire overhead over more flying time, which will reduce your cost per miles to $5.52. What does it cost to buy a Honda HondaJet? Check out our Jet Management Model Suggestion to see how much you can economize.

What does it cost to own and run a Galaxy private jet?

Exemplary overview of operational costs per year. A Galaxy private jet's overall 200 -hour per year flight plan is approximately $969,022 or $1,581,845 for 400 -hour per year. Galaxy's top velocity is 541 mb, but at lower climbing, cruising and descent rates it is more likely to reach an average of 433 mb on average, which corresponds to an average price per kilometer of about $11.19 at 200 hrs per year.

By flying 400 hrs per year, you can distribute the entire fix cost over more flying time, reducing your cost per miles to $9.14. What does it cost to buy a Gulfstream G200? Check out our Jet Management Model Suggestion to see how much you can economize.

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