Boeing small Business

Small Business Boeing

National Veterans Small Business Commitment. Dealing with Boeing. Variety of suppliers - Become a distributor Our constant search is for new vendors who can provide us with the best value and the best solution for our customers' needs. Are you a small and/or versatile business interested in doing business with Boeing? We recommend the following stages to help you present your business to us.

Add your business to the US government's Central Contractor Registration (CCR) data base.

GKE comprises the former PRO-Net, the SBA's on-line data base of small, small, less-favoured and female, HUBZone and veterinary companies wishing to do business with the Confederation or its main contractor. The Boeing supplier introduction process: Please enter your business in our Boeing SupplierGATEWAY data base by filling out the SupplierGATEWAY on-line section with information about your business and its services.

Boeing Supply Management, Engineering and other companies use this data base to look for vendors whose skills correspond to those of prospective tenders. Boeing Company promotes variety initiative for vendors at all levels: locally, nationally, and nationally, as well as certification and classification. We at Boeing strongly encourage and recognize our memberships in the following three organisations; they are not a prerequisite for doing business with us.

Do business with Boeing

Boeing's relationship with its worldwide supply partners has been a heritage of aviation and space performance since Boeing Company was founded over 100 years ago. Today's competitive environment, the relationship we build with our vendors is critical to the agile, integral and competitive nature of our teams - and our capacity to serve our customers' needs.

Following good business practice and promoting change in the life of individuals around the globe, Boeing increases the value of shareholders and customers in a highly competetive worldwide market. Humane and oppressive freedoms are considered basic freedoms in a principally faithful and prolific working atmosphere. Based on these principles, Boeing firmly rejects slave labour, slave trade, bonded labour and children's labour.

For this purpose, we have incorporated our Boeing Basic Working Conditions and the Boeing Basic Principles of Civil and Political Responsibility into all our supply agreements. For more information on Boeing's stance on fundamental freedoms, click on the following link or go to the section on fundamental freedoms on this website, which can be found at the top of the Our Principles page.

Protection from Trafficking in Human Conflict Resources We trust that the information provided on this website will provide the information you need as a Boeing Company vendor.

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