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Booking a taxi nowGet a taxi to London Councils now!
To book, call ComCab on 020 7763 5001 if this is your first reservation. If you are a regular client, you can also book on-line. You can book a taxi on the ComCab website. To make your first reservation, please call 020 7763 5001 or 020 7082 3131. Their first journey cannot be a road rental or an on-line reservation, since this leads to the fact that the full price of the journey is computed to you.
Your number will be recognized for later calls because your number will be associated with your taxi card number. You must specify this when making a booking: This is the contact number on your bankroll. At the time of making a reservation, the travel agent should verify the particulars of your reservation with you to make sure it has been correctly made.
Book your mobiles with our web app: Book your trips via the CityFleet Taxicard Mobil App or the CityFleet Taxicard Online Booking website and you will enjoy a number of advantages. In order to either browse the Google Play Store or the iPhone iPhone application store and get the application on the Google Play Store or iPhone application store browse page, enter "CityFleet Taxicard" and run the application that contains these two words.
Please be aware that your results can display more than one application, so it is important that you choose the one that has CityFleet Taxiicard on it, otherwise you will not be able to register and book. On the homepage of the portable application or web browser, type your taxi card number in the taxi card number box and the phone number on your taxi card (without spaces) in the password box.
It is administered by the London Councils and CityFleet. Please contact us or CityFleet.
Now you can book taxis directly in WeChat with EasyTaxi.
We' ve known for some now that WeChat is becoming much more than just a messaging channel by delivering a Facebook-like feedback, gaming and branding through legitimate account channels, but now it's increasing its use by delivering them. Now, WeChat subscribers can book a taxi directly from the application as Easy Taxi today announces a partnering with Easy Taxi, with a trial programme initially launched in Singapore.
Available in China, the Chinese edition of Weixin (known as WeChat) provides far more functionality than Weixin and, since January of this year, has had a taxi reservation feature that has enabled 21 million taxi trips in just over a month. 21 million taxi trips in just over a year. Now all you have to do in Singapore is click on the Easy Taxi (EasyTaxiSGP) web site link and click on "Call Taxi" - which will take you to a page where you can make an enquiry.
Currently you need to login to your EasyTaxiccount before you can book a taxi. According to the two firms, Easy Taxi will integrate its non-cash payments function on the WeChat site in a few short months, making the transaction much more comfortable. The Easy Taxi bond with WeChat comes as the rival GrabTaxi has made a splash throughout the Southeast Asian area and has gained momentum.
As part of the agreement, Easy Taxi offers a S$5 (US$4) discount on taxi rates for WeChat reservations, while taxi operators will receive an extra $1 for each succesful reservation until the end of this monthly period. WeChat' taxi reservation partner will be expanded to other jurisdictions where both the Easy Taxi and the Message application are available - an extensive listing as Easy Taxi is represented in over 30 nationalities.
Easy Taxi's mother organisation, Rocket International, is also looking to incorporate its other retail businesses, among them FoodPanda, the on-line supplier in WeChat.