Business Charter Definition

Definition of Business Charter

Defining the scope explains the specific activities of the project. Refer to more synonyms for the charter on noun. a document issued by a sovereign or state that outlines the terms under which a corporation, colony, city or other corporation is organized and defines its rights and privileges.

corporate charter means: a formal statement of the objectives and values of a company or business: . There are two types of modern charters, corporate and communal. A charter can serve the same purpose as a business case, depending on a company's culture and leadership style. The business case identifies the business requirements for carrying out a project.

Business Charter What is a Business Charter?

In the case of the establishment of a company in a given State to the Secretariat of State, the statutes shall contain the name of the company, the name and adress of the representative and the first director as well as the name and adress of the individual drawing up the rules of procedure. Rules of procedure should also specify the particular nature of the company the company is looking for, such as a non-profit, non-share-oriented or public limited company.

As a rule, the object of setting up a business is also laid down in the articles of association. Rules of procedure also contain key figures, objectives and special features of the company's business activities. Often, the Corporate Charter is used as a guideline or model for managers to carry out strategical plans and evaluations.


Charter, a text that grants certain specified laws, authority, privileges conferred or features conferred by the supreme authority of a state to a person, company, town or other entity of a given organisation. Magna Carta ("Great Charter"), the most popular charter, was a treaty between the British Emperor John and his own barsons, which established the freedom granted by the Emperor to the British population.

In other parts of mediaeval Europe, the royalty usually gave documents to municipalities, crafts men's and women's tradesmen's guilds, commercial unions, academies and religions; these documents gave these organisations certain prerogatives and exemptions and sometimes specified rules for the performance of their domestic duties. Until the end of the European Middle Ages, the emperors provided documents guaranteeing commercial and industrial interests (and in some cases the government) to commercial enterprises in a certain area.

Another society that was so equipped was designated as a charter firm (see also). Practically all UK settlements in North America were founded by deeds; these deeds gave the settlers lands and certain government prerogatives while maintaining certain authority for the UK Koruna. There are two types of contemporary charter, corporative and communal.

Bylaws are grants made by a federal agency that authorizes a group of persons to establish a public or private entity or private company. Local authority deed is a bill adopted by a federal authority that enables the inhabitants of a certain place to organise themselves in a local enterprise, i.e. a town.

A charter of this kind confers authority on the nation for the purposes of municipal self-government.

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