Extra Seats on Private Jets
Additional seats on private jetsWe found an example of a SHAREDCHARTER from Ft. Lauderdale to Napa, California, which departs on August 14 at 7am aboard an eight-seater Hawker 1000, according to Peterov. Members wishing to reserve seats on the flights were sold for $3,723 per place. As for the starters, the persons who have chartered the whole aircraft, it seems that they would be on the hook for $29,784 or perhaps a little less, which would mean the full aircraft costs in one direction inclusive of 7.5% Federal Excise Tax.
Because JetSmarter looks like it does when it comes to prices, we say that its Jet Deals don't just split your overall prize by the number of seats. If you had hired the plane, needed two seats and bought six, you would have spend $29,784. JetSmarter would have received $22,338 in free money from other members, and you would have received the same amount of airline credit in the air.
Obviously, if the seats weren't for sale, you wouldn't get the credit. This particular plane we were looking at is to be used by Maine Aviation on a 1992 Hawker 1000. They say the average hourly average for this plane is $3,500. Depending on the JetSmarter stated departures and arrivals schedules, the unit will be 5 hrs and 18 min, i.e. if you round up to 5 hrs and 24 min (the chart price is often calculated in 12 min increments) and add 12 min cabs, an industry-standard amount, you would have 5 hrs and 36 min for a fee.
With $3,500 per minute this would amount to about $19,600 to rent the whole aircraft directly from the owner. Obviously, there could be fee to bring the aircraft back to the East Coast, landings, etc. So the cost JetSmarter charges for the whole aircraft is likely to be commensurate.
At the same date we were able to award our own shard-charter for a super-mid that left South Florida for Weinland at 12 o'clock, equivalent to $28,023 for the whole aircraft, FET included. The JetSmarter application says she would be selling extra seats for $3,724, so if she was selling six (we only wanted two) she would win $22,344 in cold currency and we would get the same amount in credit.
Well, we didn't see any detail about who served the plane or how old it was. Incidentally, the cheapest JetSmarter application would give us for a 7 o'clock in the morning the downhill was 43,713 dollars for an unscheduled super-mid. At 7am we had a look around and found out about the Stellar on-line brokers. We were able to get a mid-size 1998 Hawker 800XP for $33,740, which was run by Windsor Jet Management with a six hour blocking period.
Also, we went to the Stratajet.com on-line brokers and the best prize he gave us for an airplane that could travel the itinerary non-stop was $36,362 for a Challenger 604 that was shipped in 2000. XOJET, which has granted JetSmarter the sole marketing exclusivity for our products, received an email saying that it would be an "all-in" offer of "27-28k," subject to a number of conditions.
67, or FET for a Challenger 300 or Citation X. All of this is a good example of why many private aircraft have a number of different options, such as broken stocks or split tickets, and then still playing the game to see if they can get certain travel at better prices than what they have agreed through pre-payment programmes.
In any case, if you would buy a jet deal, the conditions state that you cannot reverse the ticket and the amount of money spent is non-refundable, so under the assumption that JetSmarter sold the additional six seats, they would have deposited about $50,000 in hard currency by lunch on December 14, and the new entrant would hold $22,338 in credit.
A JetSmarter representative said it's the same when you take a joint trip, so it's advisable not to do it until you're 100% sure that your journey time will be met. JetSmarter's conditions provide that no refund or indemnity will be given for changes in jet types or for the replacement of flights by a regular airline under the agreement under review by us.
As far as the refund is concerned, your only option under the agreement is if JetSmarter changes your starting point or final point or changes your planned departures by more than 48hrs. The JetSmarter can also raise your charters rate by up to 10% up to 10 calendar nights before your cruise. She may also terminate your reservation within 10 business day as long as "circumstances exist which make it physical unfeasible to operate the charters or which are beyond her control".
In order to travel commercial first-category from Ft. lauderdale to San Francisco international, there are only two non-stop services that night, one from United Airlines for $504 and the other from Virgin America for $700, so two seats commercial first-category are $1,008 to $1,400 and you are still a few miles away from Napa compared to the two jet deal seats for about $7,400.
By the end of the day, you' probably save a respectable four to four on this particular route, cut a 10-hour journey to about six to six flight times, plus flight times, so the issue is four of your four flight times and pick up a half in Napa valued at $6,000 for you and your travel mate?
Discovered two more Sharredcharter routes, both powered by a 2008 Hawker 400XP from Travel Management Company, LLC, which own their own fleets and sell on-demand-charters. From Augusta, Georgia, the first stage took us to Cobb County Airport, a seven-seat airport with two jet dealerships sold for $388 per seater.
There will be another Sharredcharter, which will depart from Cobb County to Westhampton Beach, New York, at 19:30. Two seats were available for $1,264 each. So we sent three e-mails to JetSmarter, among them Petrossov's copy to the last, asking him how to use, apply and limit credit, and we sent news for his PR firm, but we didn't get any answers.
Anyway, according to a Flyertalk posters, credit can only be used with 3,000 dollars at once. So we were wondering if the credit could be used against shuttle services, such as between New York and London, where a one-way exchange of $6,888 is booked. And it would also be interesting if the member could use the loans for yearly dues, the purchase of jet deals or an amount of more than $3,000 for a full charters.
Ordinary Tier members who are paying $5,000 a year to join JetSmarter cannot make credit by buying seats even if they are chartering a fully-fledged plane, so really, why go to the trouble? Smart-tier members who contribute $15,000 per year to participate in the contest receive credit and can use it with a $3,000 per deal capping.
Demanding animal members who are paying in the $50,000 area to join earns credit and can use it with a $6,000 per deal capping. Us are advised that the credit has no expiry date, as long as you stay an member they will stay with you, but it is possible that JetSmarter may modify the conditions at its sole option.
Do not use credit for termination charges, subscriptions or renewal of subscriptions. They can use the credit to purchase seats, up to and beyond the seats on split and empty legs as well as on any full flight type charters that you initiated, share or not. We' ve been informed that you can also use loans for food service and heli-transfer.
The JetSmarter claim that the top 1,000 of its 10,000 members are spending an annual $140,000 on corporate expenses. Rather than seeing this credit programme offer Cashback, we see a lot on the way from new arrivals to fullcharters. It is our view that it will be up to these top consumers to determine whether they want to begin to sell seats.
Otherwise, SHAREDCHARTER is more of a market segment item, much more costly than most shuttles and empty-haul services for the ambitious flyer, and without enough cost saving to make the full air charters for the next level below that 10% available. How much of what JetSmarter announced and offered we liked the idea.
As with much of what JetSmarter does, we have reservations about the way it is done.