Fresh Prince Taxi
Prince Fresh TaxiNow HuffPost is part of it.
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Somebody worked out the price for the fresh prince's cab ride.
We' ve all come to a point in our life where we grab our pockets, call a taxi and say "Yo, home to Bel-Air". Well, obviously it's not financial wise to get into a taxi and collect the ticket at the end of such a long trip, but that's not necessarily important if your queen and your grandson are showing off their riches.
We all know that since the texts for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air's title melody are so well known, Will Smith got into a taxi to his new home after a battle with thugs in Philadelphia. A boy who, like the rest of us, probably spend a great deal of our lives observing Will, Carlton, myunt Phil, myunt Viv and so on, decides that he would find out how much this taxi ride would pay.
As you can see, the twitter, which becomes viral, shows a taxi ride from Philadelphia to Bel-Air - but that's false. Prince-rs will know that the full-length title track, which you may never have listened to before, actually says that his mother gave him a flight pass on a flight that would take him to Los Angeles.
Suppose he took the plane to LAX, and then blew the cab with a licence number that said "fresh" and was thrown in the mirrors. That would bring a ticket price of $55.99 over a stretch of just over 17 mph. It' not quite as much as those seven giants, 2,725 mph.
When we just pay heed to the texts that appear in the show versions of the songs, then Glenn Moore, who twittered the costs, is right and he's a guy who certainly knows how to spends his free moments. The Mirror says an Inflation Computer says that $7,290.06 in 2016 would correspond to about $3,886.59 in 1990 when Will made his first taxi ride.
Nice work, anyway, my dad Phil was out in dollars.