G4 Airplane
Aircraft G4In April 1987, the FAA granted the FAA approval for this aircraft. G-IV was put into operation in 1987 with series number 1000 and in 1993 was updated to the GIV-SP specific edition under series number 1214. Later it was renamed under the series number 1500 as G400. On the basis of the GIV, a shortened reach variation was developed, which was given the label in 2002 named 360.
The Taurus G4 is flying at NASA GFC!
The G4 will take part in the CAFE Green Focus Green Event in the USA from September 25th to October 3rd. During the GFC event, Micha's Blog will feature the latest Santa Rosa breaking stories, update and photo releases. SPONSOR BRONZE: Background and specifications of the aircraft: Although not designed as a sailplane, the G4's excellent airfoil gives it an advantage over the competitors, as the challenge's main objectives are aero efficiency and economical flying.
"It' s the first four-seater electrical airplane, the most efficient electrical airplane with the highest accumulator onboard. "He refused to specify exactly what this capacitance is (it is a racing secret), nor did he reveal the "very high L/D " of the plane, except to say that at cruising speeds (100 mph) it is more than 30.
This and other airplane detail will be published at the GFC, he said. In July of this year, the plane was presented to the general public for the first time at Oshkosh Airventure. Following informally voted by the attendees, it was one of the 10 most appealing of the 15,000 planes on show; each year the EAA presents a Dead Grass Award (for the most visited exhibit) to the ten planes with the most votes. 24,000 of the 15,000 planes on show were in the EAA's "Dead Grass" category.
The plane is piloted by an U.S. test pilots during the event - the FAA requires that the first test pilots be an U.S. test pilots, and the CAFÉ contest regulations also require an U.S. pilots to perform the flight during the event.