Gta 4 Taxi Phone number
Get 4 Taxi phone numbercheaps
Type the following numbers by pushing up on the D-pad to display the mobile phone display, and then press the D-pad again to display the number keypad. Then, type one of the following phone numbers for the effect you want. Go to the light edifice (not the empty state building) and on one side go in and slowly take the chopper and yours down under the town.
When you call 911 on your phone, you can choose whether you need an emergency medical vehicle, a policeman's vehicle or a fire engine. Go to Happiness Island. Go up to the bottom of the sculpture to find a jersey on the floor. There is a image of the image and the text is lucky... on the front and the text... lands on the back.
Take a chopper and go to Happiness Island. Hop out of the chopper at the top of the statue's pedestal to get to her foot. Step into the entrance and ascend the stairs inside the sculpture. Go to the old deserted casino where the last quest will take place, at the northern end of Alderney.
Fulfilling all major operations. Lock all 10 drug shipments. Finish all 10 races. Fulfill all 10 assistants. Take care of all 30 auto thieves. Gather all 10 automobiles for the Exotic Exports team. Uncover the unique skills of all five friends and finish the activity with Little Jacob, Brucie and Packie. Locate all random characters and finish their quests (except Jeff, Cherise, Clarence & Ivan).
Finish all 30 most-wanted missions. Fulfill all 20 vigilante missions. Do all 50 unique jumps. On Firefly Island's miniature course you'll find a small copy of San Andreas' huge grouse, the Liberty City's GTA III beacon, Los Santos' Watts Towers and GTA's Ocean View Hotel: Vice City.
In order to reach the target of the one-man army, rob or space a chopper and take a flight over an unaccessible islet. If your vehicle is broken and does not work, pick up your mobile phone and enter 911. This also applies to any other number, even the preset ones, e.g. novel's.
Take the northernmost street in Bohan, the small islet, where you will get a safe house after your first burn down. To do this, however, you must have activated the Algonquin Isle ( the central one ), or you will get 6 star for traversing under the stream.
In the beginning of the stalking trip to Bohan, the northern part of the archipelago where you will get a safe house after your first visit, you will burn down. Finally you traverse the creek and land on the closed Algonquin and get 6 star. Proceed to the Happiness Sculpture and go up to the second floor.
Go through the entranceway ( it won't open, just go through it) and you will go out with a pullover with the luck figure on it. Happiness Island must be accessible or you must use a cheap password to build a chopper. Alternatively you can find the chopper tours (just off Happiness Island) and take a heli.
Take a flight to Happiness Island and when you get over the Liberty Island you' ll be jumping out of the chopper at the foot of the sculpture. The top part of the sculpture is essentially a quadratic stage with a gate in the middle of each side. Fraud is now also displayed in the Fraud section of your mobile phone.
Finish the first quest. Get ten hand-to-hand counter in four-minute. Release the taxi's particular capability. Deal with all ten parcel deliveries. Activate the unique capability to buy weapons from a friendly. Finish the Roman's Sorrow quest. Do all ten exotic export orders. Computer. Computer. Computer. Computer. Fulfill the Uncle Vlad assignment.
Finish a taxi trip without jumping from one isle to another. Take all Liberty City chopper flights. Uncover the particular capability of a chopper. Full museum piece assignment. Do 100% of the amazing stunts. Do all nine assassination operations. Flying under the major bridge of the match that crosses the waters with a chopper.
Enable the particular telephony capability so that a nuke can be placed. Finish the I' ll Take Her quest. This particular person (10 points): Fulfill the particular someone assignment. Fulfilling the last assignment. Finish the stories in less than thirty lessons. Killed five off your teammates in a three-player teammate match.
Deserve a custom ranking action in multiple player mode. Wins a ranking multiple player event without too much damage to your car and with damage activated. Take our turn in ordered releases of Deal Breaker, Hangman's Noose, and Bomb da Base II. Use it for the squad (10 points): Become part of the winner in all listed mulitplayer matches.
Assassinate twenty gamers with one gun in a multilevel death match. Do it! First place in twenty different off-the-shelf multiple player racing events. Reach the highest score in Play mode. Winning all listed multiple player variants, all breeds and "Cops 'n Crooks" as both sides. Killed a rock star engineer in an orderly microplayer game.