Gta 5 call Taxi

The Gta 5 calls a taxi

but what do you press to call the taxi on the street? For a small fee, what if injured players could call other players to "Medevac"? Originally the texture of the taxi is very limited to personalization. I am the player for GTA 4 and GTA 5 fans.

taxi package

Originally the taxi has a very personalized look. I' ve created a new outdoor ultraviolet map. They install a taxi with a new ultraviolet map, paint Los Angeles Yellow_Cab Co. & Taxi (yellow/blue). Both costumes can be changed with the available materials. Just substitute the taxi.ytd structure you want it for.

Notice: The name of the structure has been modified. When you' ve made your own name, you should name it. For more than one live library, you must modify the structure of the name from israelsr_sign_1 to the following: _sign_2, ...sign_3, and so on. In order to modify the coloring, you can create a taxi with some of the available scripts / coaches, you can use Simple Trainer and go to Vehicle Options, Vehicle Menu.

Liver products are available in two resolutions: Los Angeles Yellow Cab Co. Some changes in the new ultraviolet map. Brand-new ultraviolet map to taxi models. Liver varieties include (Los Angeles (yellow/blue) & (yellow/black), NYC Taxi, Mexico City (red/gold) & (pink/white). Two solutions for all live libraries if you have problems with the higher dissolution.

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