Hk Taxi Rate
Taxi Hk TariffAp Lei Chau to Disneyland - HK$204, should be about HK$280; Tsuen Wan MTR Station to Disneyland - HK$108, should be about HK$150; Maybe it's not inclusive of bridges and tunnels fees in the computations, but I certainly wouldn't take it as trustworthy. Ok thank you. I'll use it as an estimate then.
Yes, as stated in postal 3, use as an estimate as these do not take into consideration on-line travel requirements, toll charges and under certain circumstance extra charges for baggage placed in the boot, e.g. in HK, there is HKD5/baggage in the boot or even in the cab if it exceeds a certain cube size. Now, you could decide for yourself since there are also Singapore taxi fares.
You make a liability exclusion " we only make available an approximately STIMA, although the precision of our ticket price computations tends to be very high ", but of course everyone thinks that gladly, if he offers such on-line taxi ticket price computations .... if their precision is not high, who will "feed" them.
The tariffs referred to in point 3 do indeed appear to be close to the toll, compensating almost all the differences. Problems with this type of sites... they want to help you charge taxi tariffs for towns around the globe. You can get the basics for calculating the ticket price and that's all.
The majority of them know nothing about the additional tunnels, tolls, baggage charges, etc.. You can get a point-to-point estimation of the Google range for a approximate time. The HK taxi runs in the range of HKD $11 per km, $8 per km, then $5 per km for longer trips. When you try it out just as $8 per kilometer or so for the appraisal, you should usually be ok or simply overestimate it.
Also, be willing to foot some tunnels charges according to the line concerned. Poster displays at the large taxi ranks show the rates from this taxi ranks to the main stops; even if your stop is not there, you can get a good picture of how much your trip will charge from your nearest stop.
When you depart from your guesthouse, you can ask the convener for a quote. It is a rather coarse utility that seems to give a coarse estimation on the basis of range and city taxi numbers, but without overhead. The Lantau taxi and the New Territories taxi have a different tariff system. Tariffs are also called for places where cabs are not even permitted, such as Discovery Bay and Lo Wu Station.