How to Cancel Srilankan Airlines Ticket Online

Instructions on how to cancel Srilankan Airlines ticket online

So, if I have contact with the Sri Lankan airlines for a cancellation with refund. Ceiling Airlines SriLankan Refund - Sri Lanka Forum Hi there, my boyfriend have bought ticket for me using their website and they said I have to present the ticket at the airfield since my boyfriend is outside the country, our decision was to delete the ticket and ask for reimbursement so I can buy with my ticket. Already completed the online reimbursement request and canceled the ticket by phone call.

I' m asking if any of you have received a reimbursement from them? I' ve been in touch with them, they' re unreachable, they said they' d be in touch by e-mail on a call. Have you purchased a reimbursable ticket and reviewed the terms and conditions of your ticket? I suggest that you get in touch with them and ask if there will be a reimbursement, but I have no previous record of requesting a reimbursement from this carrier.

Honey, how many month did they bring you back for a full refund? Mm-hmm. Which is the amount you have subtracted. Is it just the cancelation or other administration costs? What is the amount of the cancelation tax? Is it only the cancelation tax or other administration costs indicated at the moment of reservation?????

Sri Lankan Airlines - Ticket Cancelation Refunds

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I have booked online at Srilankan Airlines $972 for 2 adults and 1 toddler.Bahrain to Trivandrum and Trivandrum to Bahrain, now I am able to cancel our way back (Tvm-Bahrain) for my own reasons, so if I have contacted Srilankan Airlines to request cancelation with reimbursement.

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