Mat su Taxi
Taxi matAir travel to Alaska in the Mat-Su Valley
The Mat-Su Valley provides more flight travel than any other part of the state, from the huge Alaska Range to Knik Glacier and Hatcher Pass. Just 50 flight mile from the top of Mount McKinley (Denali's), Talkeetna is one of the most loved flight event centers, with Denali flights that have glacial landing and the ability to see Denali (formerly known as Mt. McKinley) up close.
The bustling international hub commutes travellers on a wide range of Denali flights to enjoy the magnificent view of the mountains. Two Talkeetna airlines provide frequently updated Talkeetna webcams for current viewing. WILOW has air tour operator that take travellers to wild life huts to do top -notch fisheries on chinook fish, sterling pollock and trophiesize brown salmontrouts.
Browse the list below to find the flight to Alaska or Airtaxi matching your requirements.
New map tools in Parcel Viewer - Matanuska-Susitna Borough
On the map website of the district Matanuska-Susitna new map creation and editing features are available in the package viewer. With these features you can quickly and easily generate your own map upload. One of the most visited websites on the municipality's website is Property & Map. Parcel Viewer can still do everything it has done so far and more.
Furthermore, you can browse by location or ownership, find out if your real estate is in a flooded area, view the valuation data for your real estate and make a printout of the maps. With the new Assignment tabs, you can highlight a card by making a measurement, dragging a shape, inserting a word or phrase, and then copying your card to a data sheet.
A new Search page provides utilities to perform a search using various techniques, such as free-hand drawing an area or using the mouse to select a point. Parcel Viewer of the municipality has more detailed information than Google Caps. The new border from the recent connection of Houston to the countryside is already apparent on the Borough Parcel Viewer.
Find out more with our step-by-step video tutorials by Kenneth Kleewein, GIS specialist in Mat-Su County. Video will be published on the community's You Tube canal.