Mini Cab License
mini-cabin licenseIn order to be a privately rented driver, you must obtain a privately rented driver's license and operate a car that is registered as a privately rented car, which can either be your own car (if it fulfils the requirements of the car specification) or you can rent/hire a car from an owner.
They will then have to register to work for one of the operators licenced by Dartford Borough Council. Hackney Cars, collectively known as cabs, is a means of transportation with no more than 8 passengers seating that is only available for rent in the Dartford district. You can park your hackney car on a cabistand, greet it on the road or book it in advance, either directly or through a licenced service provider.
A Dartford licenced Hackney Carriage must affix a GREEN label to the rear of the car with a clear identification number for the car, a smaller inner label and an illuminating rooftop label. A Hackney Carriage license is required for driving a Hackney Carriage license. In order to show that he is an authorised rider, the rider must carry a photograph ical identification card with a clear number given by Dartord County Council.
It is a means of transportation with no more than 8 passengers seating, which is registered to run as a privately rented car and can only be reserved through an authorised carrier before travel. Privately owned cars licenced by DARFORS must have a GELBES sign on the back with a clear identification number for the car and a smaller inner sign in the windshield.
The driving license for privat landlords can only operate a privately rented car. Operators must carry a photograph of a Dartford Borough Council issue clear number to show that they are an authorised rider. Operators determine the fares and other tariff-related criterias, such as a holding charge. These must also be licenced.
Personal rental vehicles can only be delivered to a client by a personal rental company holding a personal rental company license.