Personal Charter Flights
Individual charter flightsPAX, The Personal Airline is your timekeeper.
PAX, The Personal is your personal aircraft. Rent a plane with a commercial aircraft and set the date, hour and airport to suit your personal itinerary. The PAX AI agent will then coordinate you with other travellers to set up a joint charter trip. Take a trip with a commercial aircraft, according to your timetable, about 4 x quicker than a car or air carrier, at a competitively priced airfare.
We do not own or fly any aircrafts, we offer you on-line help to participate in a bilaterally acceptable charter operated by first class charter companies. From a turbo prop for four passangers for shorter flights to a ten-passenger heavier plane for longer flights, using the best airplane for the journey.
So why the personal carrier flying? When you value your precious spare tire you need the Personal Airlines. A lot of journeys are terrible, the travel times are long and long, and there is no airfare. Or you could do this with a PAX plane for only a 10th of a charter fare on a charter plane.
Prices are reduced to up to one 10th of a charter fare for a charter aircraft, corresponding to the air fare, making it accessible to more passengers. Many of your overnights become a full days out for businessmen. The PAX concentrates on flights that are not operated by the carriers. Exactly thousand of journeys are too brief and between small airfields without airside.
The big carriers concentrate on most flights to a few big aerodromes. Can' have you wasting your precious little hours like this.
Privately owned, group, charter jet flights
You plan the ideal target marriage and want to go there in a stylish way? How about a street trips to Green Bay or Miami for a professional soccer match for your group of friend? Perhaps the Yankees are going to play the Rays in Tampa this week-end and you want to take your folks with you to see all 3 matches at 'The Trop'.
Must you and your loved ones come to Iowa for your Sunday gather? This is just some of the recent scenario where customers have asked Executive Fliteways for support. Remember, the more people there are on the plane, the lower the per-person fee (which makes a personal plane an even more appealing choice - one you'll never want to miss, as compared to a business plane you'll hopefully forget).
Rigour of personal or commercial travelling with regular airline companies has prompted many commercial travellers to resort to the comfort and versatility of commercial air charter. Executive Fliteways has been providing its commercial and recreational customers with a high-quality, personalised and smooth experience since 1981. Immediate trip planning and pricing information is available with a phone call, e-mail or enquiry from our expert charter distribution staff who can also organise hotel, floor transport and in-flight meals if needed.