Rtw Plan
Plan RtwDevelopment of a Return to Work Plan
Getting back to work after a period of work can be challenging, so once you've found appropriate accommodations and you have all the guidance you need, start developing a return plan. Whom should a Return to Work Plan be about? It depends on the situation, but if possible, a return plan should be drawn up in collaboration with all stakeholders, including: you (the employer), superiors, your employees, workers' delegates, industrial doctors and family doctors.
You should make sure that the employees are satisfied with what you have said before implementing the plan. Which should be contained in a Return-on-Work Plan? It should be tailor-made to the employee's needs and could include: targets of the plan's ROW TO WORK; the employee's targets; length of timeframe to achieve targets and targets; information on appropriate adaptations and work agreements; date of returning the individual to the work process; data on which the plan will be verified; signature of the individual and the executive.
What is the best timing to devise a ROW TO WORK plan? The development of a return to work plan is dependent on the relevant employees and the type of absences. Starting to plan and debate the plan too early may put downward pressures on the worker, but leaving the plan too late could compromise the worker's faith in returning to work.
Generally, the best point in developing a return to work plan is three to four week after an absentee. They can also find out how to arrange and verify a Return to Work Plan by contacting the Health and Safety Executive.
Back to the routing
There is a general rule that a programme of vocational retraining (or return) is founded on the idea that an employers can make a co-ordinated transition back to work possible. This programme is carried out after consultation with a doctor and, if necessary, with the involvement of a rehabilitative institution. One of two things is the objective of rehabilitation: the punctual, secure and cost-effective repatriation of workers to a decent job.
Returning to the work plan as part of a rehabilitative programme should: if necessary, make use of re-training and re-deployment if it is not possible for the worker to revert to the tasks before the trauma.