Self Flying car

Auto flying car

At his two-day Flying Car Summit in Los Angeles, California, Uber presented his concept of how drivers can travel by air. Überber' visions of the flying car is here. While the near term of transport may be self-propelled automobiles, Uber provides a bright perspective in which humans will be carried by flying automobiles. At his two-day Flying Car summit in Los Angeles, California, Uber presented his idea of how drivers can travel by plane. While Uber has a powerful view of what these automobiles might look like, it has no interest in actually making them itself.

Flying automobiles, also known as electrical verticals and take-offs, use a combined drive and propeller to move the floor down and gently return in the same way. Ideally, this will be a more versatile way to get around by plane, as it can take off and take off from more places and offers an easy way to cover longer journeys.

While Uber is still finding out how to manufacture semi-autonomous automobiles on the floor, the firm sees the bright side of the transport world.

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