Small Plane

Little plain

Update:The plane was taken to Logan County Airport after it was removed from the highway. Pair killed after small plane crash in Woburn According to the officials, a newlyweds husband and wife were killed after their small, two-seater plane went down in a forested area of a Woburn neighbourhood on Saturday mornings. Both have been diagnosed as 65-year-old Dr. Michael Graver and 52-year-old Jodi Cohen, according to Middlesex district attorney Marian Ryan. Columbia LC41 powered by a singles motor plane went down around 11am, four leagues from Laurence G.

Hanscom Field at Bedford, where it approached.

According to The Associated Press, the plane took off from Republic Airport in Farmingdale, New York, around 9:30am. He was a "very skilled pilot" and possessed the plane in 2016, Ryan said. Mayor Scott Galvin of Woburn said it was a wonder the plane didn't strike the neighborhood or anyone on the floor.

Landino, who resides across the road from where the accident occurred, cleaned her home when she "heard a big bang". Said a goddamn auto broke into her home. "and there was a plane between two buildings with an explosion," Landino said. The accident was investigated by Woburn and State Police, FAA officers and the National Transportation Safety Board.

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