Sri Lankan Airways Seat Booking
Lankan Airways Sri Lankan Seat ReservationLast choices sound uncomfortable to the last, but SriLankan Airlines are right, they cannot make reservations for you until you have received the Last choices booking references, also known as PNR numbers, usually a 6-digit references, a mixture of numbers and characters. Yeah, we were given the same thing that we could pre-book just a months before the plane - we just pre-booked our places for our July 21 Sri Lanka departures without any problems - we didn't have the number they needed, but they had our last name and zip code data - we pre-booked our outer and outer - so at least we know we're all five together!
Did you pay the first rate for these pre-booked tickets, we are in the process of booking a vacation with flights of first class with sri lankan carriers. You asked us if we wanted to pre-book tickets for a fee of 10.00 per person, just asked yourself if we would have the same issue as you, i.e. you ring the bell to reserve tickets yourself?
Advance reservation of seat on SriLankan Airlines is FREE. Review Mercury Direct and dreamticket pricing before choosing Last Choice. Make sure you get the most out of your Last Choice. Get your Last Choice now! Contributions that do not comply with our policies will be removed, and we retain the right to delete any contribution for any reasons.