Stroller Frame for Maxi cosi Infant Seat

Pram frame for Maxi cosi child seat

Maxi-Taxi, I love it! The Maxi-Cosi adapters are included, which means that the frame works with child seats that are compatible with the adapters. With this little addition, your car seat is the perfect stroller seat for your baby! Car seat adapters are compatible with the following child car seats:

Maxi-Taxi Snap N' Go solution for all requirements

The Maxi Cosi range provides an astonishing selection of the most secure and classy sits. The majority of infant owners experience the comfort of a pram to make visiting the doctors and shopping so much simpler without having to move their babies from the seat to the pram. Maxi Cosi fits never really into one of the off-the-shelf frame and Maxi Cosi has chosen to introduce one now!

Maxi Cosi Maxi Taxi is a light, easily collapsible frame that can accommodate any Maxi Cosi child seat, plus the brand new Maxi Cosi Mico Max! It sells for $129.99 and is a must for those who have chosen a Maxi Cosi seat. Weighing only 15 pounds, the frame contains a superior bracket.

Maxi-Taxi was the first pushchair frame to allow the Maxi-Cosi child seat to be used outside the vehicle as a simple pushchair. Originally simple and functionally, the Maxi-Taxi quickly developed from a handy attachment to a full stroller. Before I had my first, I worked at PishPosh for almost 2 years, and I knew quite well what equipment would work for me and my life style after my field work.

It' s my pleasure to explore new product releases and share them with other mothers who take charge of the new things in the intriguing and ever-changing Baby Gear World.

all-purpose " snaap & go " pram frame?

Receive Weekly Update about your newborn and your existing system. Small things like the upload of a profiled image make the fellowship a better place. Does anyone know if the Maxi Cosi will fit into any make of general -purpose frame snapping and going? My locals didn't know and they don't even have a microphone I can try in a general-purpose frame...if they even had one in the store...why are so many things just online?..grrr!

Re: anyone use a maxi cosi wico cosi w/universal "snap & go" kind of stroller frame?

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