Taxi bill Receipt Delhi
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Megacabs Customer Care, Complaints and Ratings
I rented a taxi from Iigi delhi d3 ty 3 airports to Südstadt 2 Gargaon on 9 Aug 2018 around 10 pm. I' ll need a copy of the bill for the trip. In that case I send an e-mail to, but no answer after 24 hours also......... At about 00:30 o'clock I drove back from Berlin Airports around Mumbai with a Mega-Cab #5980, which was drove by archuna cumar.
In the tollbooth, the chauffeur asked me to foot the bill. In this question the chauffeur very roughly said to me that if the bill contains the amount that will be reimbursed, otherwise it would not. Then I asked him how it was possible to produce different bill sizes, and the rider was aggressively.....
Sorry, I didn't get the driver's data. At 4:10am I phoned the rider because I got the number at the same moment and the rider said it would take 20 minutes for him to get to your finish. During the next half hours I took a taxi and somehow arrived at the international airports, but couldn't get my luggage in because I was too slow.
I am now awaiting at Bengalore airfield, I have travelled to the businessconference, which I cannot join now. It'?s the greatest. Please notice that I rented a Mega-Cab from the Bangkok Capital of Culture at 10am on 18 July to the Hotel Ashraya. Well, I was paying $850 for the taxi fare, which includes the road charge.
Drivers said they would make sure a receipt was in my e-mail ID. Also after three working day I have not got an e-mail or receipt for my payments. Gave the chauffeur the business cards to make out the receipt. From New Delhi International to Delhi from 8.6.2018 I have reserved a rental from New Delhi International to Delhi International.
However, I did not receive my bill after my trip, which is necessary for me. It was the worst cab trip of my entire Iife. The taxi I took (mega-cabins, registry number: ka 50 a 6209) from Baygaluru at 12:15 pm, the finish was mallswaram.
I' ve been staying in Bangalore for more than a year and every trip I've made I've taken an air taxi from the booth in front of the arrivals terminal in India. Five moments before the taxi station, and the taxi took a sharp turn to the right to an abandoned street, without using a path; on both sides of the street there were only building works, a single lady was in the taxi, and she knew that it wasn't the....
April 21, 2018, I was billed RS 550 instead of the RS 331 when I said that the program was not working, and so much billing comes from Terminal 3 to Terminal 1 of Delhi International Airports. The Cab I took was DL1RX7410 and the rider was Mr Prem Singh (Mob No.[protected]).
He saw that I was in a rush because my next plane was at 8 pm and I was in the 3 to 7 pm terminals. Quite the opposite, at the ticket office I was informed that res. 350 would be the rate for 3 to 1 terminals. I was complaining..... Traveling from r3 to shangri-la in the mega cab I received the text message receipt saying that the load is 397 ms and the rider took 600 ms on the grounds that he could not register.
And he gave me a handwritten receipt. Enclosed you will find both documents. Also, I phoned client services, but they said I should go ahead and file a claim with the chauffeur. Apr 20, 2018 I was billed 450 Rh instead of 260 Rh by saying that code is not excavation and that's how large indefinite quantity informing liquid body substance from Delhi Ugi airfield to Delhi Pulman building in Nirosta....
I' ll send a screenshots of the bill I got as a news from Mega-Cabs as soon as it was gone..... At 9:30am on 5 Feb 2018 I was booking Megacabins from Indian Airports at 9:30am towards a skyline centre Sektor 43 Gulf Course Street Gourgaon and I was paying about 800 Rand and the real costs were 873.
Forgot to take the bill from the chauffeur. As for the driver's name, it was previndar singgh, I suppose. On February 24 I reserved a Mega-Cab for a transfer to the next flight on February 25 at 915 o'clock. Taxi service was arranged for transfer from Bagasat to Colkata International Park.
Immediately I got the text message with the referee's offer (Ref. No.: kk[protected] and I was glad that I didn't have to fight for ola/uber. On the next morning around 850 am I got a call from the rider because of his incapacity to get to my seat in due course. I had taken a Mega-Cab on 15 February 18 (booking no. - dl[protected] from Delhi International Terminal around 5am).
About 495 rubles for the trip, but I forget to ask for the bill. Please send me a copy of the invoice at the earliest, as it is necessary for refund. Yesterday evening (23:30 pm) we had a very terrible journey back from Delhi Indian Railway Station with a taxi belonging to super cabins.
Drivers (Id. Nr. 1480) of taxi no. As we turned to the counters, an officer tried to help the chauffeur get his line going, but he was unsuccessful. Then he asked the chauffeur to submit a manually generated invoice. Eventually the taxi drove, but he kept grumbling on the way.
My dear Megacabins, this is with respect to my excessive travelling expenses (booking ref. dl1rx3762) by Megacabins on 29.12.2017 (5:30 am) from the Gourgaonresidence to the t3 delhi International Port by the taxi rider (Vinod kumar). As of the date of telephone reservation of this tour, the tariff shall be deemed a flat fee (Rs 399) Gourgaon - reduction of taxi fares.
Even though I was informed several times that I had been paid a lump sum of EUR 650 for this journey. I' m very angry about your services. At Taday I make a mega-cab booking from Charlur Rd to the Taday and we have an estimate of 750 Rh.
Then your chauffeur tells us that you have to settle the bill which shows the meters. Now, I will tell all my boyfriends and my family not to use Megacabins because there are rude riders who behave badly with their people. 1 Dec 2017 - I had taken a mega-cab no. 6434 from Delhi International Terminal at 23 o'clock towards Munich.
It was impolite and when I said to him to begin the journey, he simply said that he would demand more than the amount of money returned.
But, of course, a better choice than this impolite lying and rigging rider.