Taxi Brisbane
Brisbane TaxiBooking a limousine: It is possible to reserve a taxi to collect you from a particular location at a particular point in your life by phoning the taxi company directly or at a particular suburb driver's station. Note: The words "taxi" and "taxi" are used in an interchangeable way. From a technical point of view, you can get on a taxi from any kerbstone (preferably where the taxi can stop) by just opposite the taxi at the kerb and either wave or extend your arms with your index fingers pointing into the street (similar to the technology you will see when hailing buses).
If you are in the city on Fridays and Saturdays and want to take a taxi back to your guesthouse, it's best to go to a taxi stand that has a certified taxi stand that keeps the crowd under check, agrees common fare, and prevents humans from entering.
In the CBD the most important taxi stands are nearby: There are NightLink FlatFare Taxi Services taxi stands: Nightlink taxi in Brisbane is only available for returning from a club on Friday or Saturday evening. Learn more about the NightLink FlatFare taxi services. Right way to use the taxi stands is to take the taxi at the front of the line, or if already crowds are expecting to join the line and await a taxi.
In Brisbane all cabs have a large illuminated plate on their rooftop. If the plate is illuminated, then they are empty. If the plate is black, then the taxi is either busy or out of order.