Taxi Rate Card
Tariff card for taxiallowances
Package prices do not cover $2.00 MPEA Airport Tax to and from airport. To find your fare, please type in the first few characters of your suburb: any further passengers over the 12 years of age or over: 12: meters plus 20% of the counter if the taxi goes beyond the nearest neighbouring town.
meters plus 50% of the counter when the taxi's driving:
No charge ever for using your Kauai Taxi card.
Section 23-1.7 Fares for fares and baggage. Fares within the district of Kauai. Except as otherwise stated herein, no chauffeur or taxi proprietor may calculate, request, collect nor obtain a price other than that calculated according to the following timetable during the operation of the taxi in County Kauai:
8. Rebate. Drivers, owners or lessees who own, operate, inspect or ship a taxi may grant a rebate to disabled people, the elderly or college graduates as specified in Section 23-1.2. Discounts are twenty per cent (20%) of the measured ticket price. No part of this Subsection shall be interpreted as permitting the calculation of miles or periods of delay higher or lower than the fares specified and laid down in the timetable.
Whenever a taxi must depart from its designated area on demand to collect a person whose pick-up and return is outside or outside the specified area, the total amount of time between the specified area and the pick-up location may be added to the total amount of time actually travelled, otherwise,
Remoteness between the specified supply area and the place of collection shall not be added to the actual distances travelled by the passengers for the purpose of calculating the overall tariff which may be calculated in accordance with this Section, nor shall the distances which a taxi must cover in order to get back to the specified supply area after a departure be taken into account in the number of kilometres for which a ticket price may be calculated.
Said fees or taxes are exempt from the following rules and regulations, depending on the case: 1. Tariffs shall apply only to the use of taxis if they are actually manned by the rented person in the Passenger's Direction or by packages, luggage or rented items, provided that no other fees are charged for the use of a rented taxis unless otherwise provided herein.
8. Rebate. Drivers, owners or lessees who own, operate, inspect or ship a taxi may grant a rebate to disabled people, the elderly or college graduates as specified in Section 23-1.2. Discounts are twenty per cent (20%) of the measured ticket price.