Taxi Reservation
Reservation by taxiMaking a reservation - Charley's Taxi
Our Web Bookers allow you to immediately book a taxi, make a reservation and store your favourite places (home, work, etc.). As well as the Web Bucher functions, you can order a taxi to your present address, see a taxi chart of the region and see how your taxi is approaching.
Please choose from the following points for our Flatrate Airport & Military Services: Packages to or from your basis and from basis to basis. Reduced Flatrates are one way per vehicle and do not contain any additional stop or deviation. The driver is legally obliged to operate the counter for flat-rate journeys and adapts the end counter at the end of the journey to the corresponding flat-rate.
The driver calculates the normal price per metre for the journey if additional stop overs or variations in itinerary are required. Charley's Taxi will stop the flatrates due to jams and delay and will use the taxi sets on Halloween, Black Friday and New Year's Eve (from 15.00 on 31.12. to 3.00 on 1.1.).
You can also set flat rates 2hrs before, during and 2hrs after bigger holidays, sports meetings, concerts and bigger roadblocks. $5.00 surcharge for each bike, gulf pocket, surf board or item over 80 lbs or over 10 m3. The driver charges $5.00 each for supplemental departures.
Any passenger who damages or pollutes the taxi is liable for a $350 charge for clean-up.
For taxi pick-ups we are accepting on-line bookings only 24hrs or more from the date of reservation. Drivers travelling within the 24-hour period must use our telephone dispatcher system. In order to make this reservation, you MUST provide a current number. Your reservation will be confirmed by telephone.
You will receive a call one hours before your desired pick-up date to acknowledge our departure. Many thanks for using our on-line taxi reservation system.