The Globe Tickets
Globe TicketsCash register and ticket information
There is a postage of £1.50 (UK) or £2.50 (groups and overseas) on all tickets sent. Shakespeare's Globe does not provide a refund after the purchase of tickets. You may, however, want to give back your tickets for the attempt to resell. An administration of £2 per reservation will be charged and the re-sale of tickets cannot be guarantee.
Please mail your tickets to us if you wish to surrender them for resale: The only tickets we can offer are real tickets from Shakespeare's Globe. There is no possibility to buy tickets or to photocopy. Tickets for re-sale can no longer be purchased by phone or e-mail from Monday-Saturday 18:00 or Sunday 17:00. You can exchange tickets for tickets for upcoming shows of the same productions if you hand them in at the cash desk at least 28 working days in advance.
A £2.50 per tickets administrative charge will apply (free for Friends of Shakespeare's Globe). Every year we are happy to welcome to the Globe tens of millions of groups. The only way to increase your appreciation and pleasure in Shakespeare and his work is to share a common adventure, be it a performance at one of our theatrical shows, a tour at our Exhibition & Tour or a Globe Education outing.
Reservation of tickets for the theatre / Shakespeare's Globe
With our ticketing system, we aim to help you make a ticket reservation and enable us to better meet your needs. As soon as you join the system, members will be asked to set up an affiliate profile and make tickets reservations on-line. Are you already a member of our login system? From 25 April 2018, you can buy your admission cards immediately on line.
In order to do this, please go to our What's going on page and use the "Series" Filters to find described sound, with captions, interpreted by the BSL and performed in a relaxing way in our coming holiday year. Please do not hesitate to ask for help directly at the cash desk: Should you have any questions or doubts about your stay, please do not hesitate to call the Access Information Line and we will be pleased to help: