A Taxi Cab Service
Taxi cabin serviceFrom 1 July 2018, a taxi service will be governed by the Iowa Code 325A chapter. There is a $150 registration charge for the certification. Applications for certificates shall be lodged with the Vehicle and Motor Forwarding Services Office at the following address or number: WHICH STEPS MUST A TAXI COMPANY TAKE TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATION AND WORK IN IOWA?
Below are the conditions for operating a taxi service in Iowa on or after 1 July 2018: Passanger certification is given to an authorised taxi service. Per taxi service only one letter is required (not one per driver) and the letter will remain in force for the duration of the company's operations unless abandoned by the division.
Then the taxi service can begin or resume operation. From 1 June 2018 we are prepared to accept requests from taxi companies. IS IT STILL THE CASE THAT TAXIS CAN BE REGULATED BY LOCALS? Municipal agencies, such as towns or the Des Moines Airport Authority, for example, remain empowered to provide taxi service within their jurisdiction in accordance with Iowa Code Section 321.236.
As of July 1, 2018, any taxi service that wishes to do business in Iowa must request and receive a travel document and otherwise meet the Iowa Code 325A Section 325A as well. Failure to meet these conditions will be punished with a $250 regular penalty and may lead to cancellation or waiver of the person's letter.