United Cab Service
The United Cab ServiceThe United Cab Company of Tampa, which serves all of Tampa.
Our 24 hours a day - 7 day a week call centre and our computerised delivery service enable us to offer the best and most comfortable service. Established over 50 years ago, United Cab has since become a leading company in the Tampa Bay taxi business and has received a number of awards for its exceptional commitment to the Tampa Bay communities.
More than 75 well-trained staff are employed, among them calltakers, technicians, dispatcher and backworkers. UC Cab is a member of Gulf Coast Transportation, one of the biggest transport operators on the west coast of Florida. Our vehicle park consists of over 300 cars, among them delivery trucks, cabins and handicapped access cars.
Our company operates a number of well-known and well-known transport labels in the Tampa Bay region, such as Tampa Bay Cab, United Taxi and our flag ship United Cab. Starting March 1, 2018, a $3.00 rental charge will apply to all rental travel leaving Tampa International Airport. Remember that these charges are levied by the airports and are not deducted by your drivers.
If you have any further queries, please call our service department at 813-777-777777.
New Orleans, United Cabs, Inc.
More than 70 years of fast, attentive and reliable service. Service 24 hours a day inclusive of all public holiday. Arrival and departure from and to the airport as well as parcel service. variable highlight_start =''; variable highlight_end is ''; variable TD_start is ''; variable TD_start is ''; variable TD_end is ''; /* START CASE CARD: You can reformat the'BORDER','BGCOLOR','CELLPADDING','BORDERCOLOR' tag to change the appearance of your schedule.
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