What Time does the Tube stop Running
When does the pipe stop running?Underground London - Traveling through London
There are nine subway zones: the centre of London is served by area 1. It has 11 tube folds. Subway prices depend on how far you go, at what time of and how you make your payment. The subway usually runs from 5.00 a.m. to midnight, the Night Tube runs on some routes on Friday and Saturday afternoons.
The Greater London area is serviced by 11 metro routes as well as the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and a networked public transport system. Subway services generally run between 5 a.m. and 24 a.m., Monday to Saturday, with Sunday operation times lower. Use Transport for London's Journey Planner for more travel information about the railway station to be used and suggested routes to get to your destinations.
Which are the London Underground areas? London's local transportation system, the London Tube, is subdivided into nine tourist areas. Area 1 is located in the centre of London and areas 6 to 9 are on the edge of the town. How much is the London Underground? Find more savings advice when traveling in London in our inexpensive itinerary.
A one-way ticket for adults on the London Underground in London 1 is £4.90 for one way. For the same underground rate with Visitor Øyster ticket, Øyster ticket or non-contact pay smart is £2.40. More information on the London Tube price can be found on the Transport for London website. The London Underground offers various reductions for kids, college kids and older people.
So if you're planning to travel through London to see places of interest and see some of London's best sights, why not buy a London Pass and start saving even more moneys? Do you have a London Tube card? The London Underground Card was designed by Harry Beck in 1933 and is a 20 st C. classical designer.
Please click on the card below or go to our Travel Cards section to view a downloadable version of the London Tube card. Can I get free London Tube cards and guidebooks? As part of our service, we produce free charts and guidebooks to help you find your way around London City. A London Underground card can be collected on your journey from any London Underground stop.
Which other useful hints are there for underground travelers?
You' re traveling by underground through London? How are the opening and closing of the London Underground? The London Underground's opening time varies slightly from route to route, but the first London Underground train normally departs around 5 am from Monday to Saturday, with Sunday opening periods lower. The London Underground usually runs until about midnight. Please note that London Underground does not run until about half past twelve.
Ask the employees of the subway stop you want to use when the last trains leave. On certain routes there is a 24-hour metro system. Please see our Night Tube page for more information. What is the London subway accessibility? Most subway stops are accessed via a number of stairs.
London's underground system can be very congested at busy periods and is therefore challenging for people with reduced travel. There are many low-lying underground stops with moving stairways to the platform. However, almost all railway yards with moving staircases or elevators also have stairways between road levels and the ticketing area and/or between moving staircases and platform areas.
Download the metro card from our free London Reisekarten page to see which metro stops are stepless. As you board subway lines, make sure there is usually a 20 cm (8 inch) rise or fall between the platforms and the line. When this is a problem, drive in the first car so that the chauffeur can see you better and you have enough time to get in and out.
You can find more information on the Transport for London's Accessibility page.