Air Ticket Deals
Flight ticket offersPurpose for the collection of individual data
This is not the only condition set out in Art. 9(2) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. CR001: Personally identifiable information, which may include, but is not restricted to: name, occupation, home name, work location, home and former home locations, mobile numbers, IM account numbers, on-line account numbers, postal and registration locations, photos, fingerprints, e-mail locations, e-mail signature numbers, e-mail signature numbers, personally identifiable certification cards, digitized certification numbers, on-line identification/request history, IP location, cookie, or any other personally identifiable information; CR002:
identification of your finances, i. e. include but not be restricted to: bank accounts/names with banks, credit/debit cards, insurances or any other numbers or accounts related to your finances; C003: IDs provided by governments, include but are not restricted to: Identification number, ROC Unique identification number, Tax payer ID number, Health care number, Deactivated number, Pensioner number, Licence number, Pass number, etc. ; C011:
Personally identifiable information, which includes but is not restricted to: Age, sex, date of and place of birth, national origin, vote, etc.; C023: Information about the member's members of the member's immediate families, include but not be restricted to: information about the member's child, relative, other member of the member's immediate families or relative, parent, partner or relative residing in China and elsewhere; C031: residential and residential property, include but not be restricted to: residential addresses, type of property, type of appliances, property or tenancies, length of stay, rent, tax and other charges, type and value of property, name of proprietor, etc.
C034: Travelling and other migratory information, includes but is not restricted to: information on past migrations/travels, visas of non-national origin, residency documents, work visas, etc. ; C035: Recreational and recreational pursuits, incl. but not restricted to: hobby, sport and other interests; C038: professions, incl. but not restricted to: headmasters/presidents, members of parliament, etc.; C094:
Damages, include but are not restricted to: particulars and amount of compensation/claims; C111: Publications, include but are not restricted to clinical notes, therapeutic and diagnosis notes, results of bodily examinations, kinds and stages of disability, expiration date and number of disability certificates, contacts, etc. C132: Non-categorised information, which includes but is not restricted to: letters, data sets, reviews, audio recording or e-mail that cannot be categorised.
In the event that you are unable to supply the necessary personally identifiable information for a particular set of deliverables, we may not be able to deliver all or part of the deliverables and/or transaction to you. Usage of the above personally identifiable information is subject to the length of time it is collected for the stated purposes or as specified by law (e.g.
The duration of the retention required for the transaction (if it is longer than the legally required time) or on a contractual base. Duration of the agreement to store the information. Ticket notification, ticket issue certificate, receipt, invoice, fares information, purchase information and on-line service, etc.
Financing and authorisation: The financially related information provided by the passenger in their ticket or in any other service is provided to the relevant FI as part of the ticket purchasing procedure (e.g. (e.g. (pre-order, online store or customs-free ) to authorise payment by debit cards or wire transfer) prior to completion of a ticket transaction.
E-mail, app and text message services: Customer's personally identifiable information may be used by the Company, its agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, related parties, groups, and/or trading parties to provide the following but are not restricted to: general/online reservation, commuter transport, on-line shopping, on-line check-in, text messages, on-line entertainment, community involvement, member reward schemes, and various kinds of activity.
It will also be used as a base for statistics surveys/analyses to help provide the above listed service. Used for the display and sale of Company and/or external contractor's and/or Company's and/or Company's service(s) and product(s) and contractor(s), agency(s), subsidiary(s), affiliate(s), group(s) and/or business(s) partner(s) of the Company.
Personally identifiable information provided by you will be handled using computer tools, whereby the necessary cross-border information will be transmitted to the Company and its agents, affiliates, group entities, destination countries migration offices and affiliates to deliver goods and render legal assistance. Booking or purchasing periphery service (such as
Without your permission, we undertake not to share your personally identifiable information with third parties who are not relevant to the above services, nor to use it for purposes other than those described above, with the following exceptions: It may be communicated or used in collaboration with criminal investigation proceedings launched by the competent justice authority or authority in the course of its tasks and responsibility.
The FFP members' private data may be shared with the company's co-branded credit cards publishers. One of the types of data that may be passed on is people: people: data subjects: Any person who provides the Company with his/her own voluntary data is eligible for the following remedies under Article 3 of the Taiwan Personnel Information Protection Act and Articles 16 to 20 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation:
In order to apply for the deletion of your personally identifiable information, you must have downloaded the application forms (click on this button to click to download the application forms for the deletion of your personally identifiable information). Your information will be stored for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was requested. We may not be able to maintain your use of the above mentioned privileges if you submit false or partial personally identifiable information, such as a username that hinders us from validating your true identification.
A " Hookie " is a small amount of information that is sent by a web site to a web site and saved in a web brosw. Information gathered by our web site is used to help us understand each user's preferences. The majority of websites may use Google Analytics to help them offer customer service.
Therefore, you can set your web browsers not to receive a cookie if you wish, but if you deactivate your cookie, you will not have full control over certain personalised functions or take part in all website activity. In order to offer you the personalised transactions and all types of service and to encourage you to take part in all activity on the Website.
Your web preference for our references in order to offer you better service. In order to help you with this part of the publishing experience, we have provided a number of useful web browser links: Essential Cookie - The use of a cookie is necessary for the functioning of our website, so that you can move around our website and use the features of our website.
This cookie does not capture your personally identifying information that could be used for promotional purposes and will not be shared with third parties. Featured cookie - Featured cookie is used to store your decisions and to enhance the functions and your experience on our website. Power cookie - Power cookie collects information about which pages your users visit most frequently and whether you have noticed any bugs.
This cookie helps us enhance the service and usability of our website. Promotional Cookie - In order to give you the most pertinent information about our service and product, we use promotional cookie information so that we and our advertisers can deliver to you promotional actions that we believe are pertinent to you and your interests.
Third parties' web site trackers are placed on the site where a brief text is placed on the user's computer via the web brower to allow us to recognize a cookie for subsequent use: In order to help you with this part of the publishing experience, we have provided a number of useful web site shortcuts to some of the most common web browsers: In order to decline NAI member or DAA participant persistent cookie requests, please go to the following page:
The majority of computer and browser for portable equipment are usually configured to receive cookie. In order to help you with this part of the publishing experience, we have provided a number of useful web browser links: You may not be able to visit all or some of our Web sites if you refuse permission and refuse accepting them.
You can also find out more about the administration and deletion of cookies by visiting Each time you log on to our website and our wireless service, we record your Internet Protocol (IP) number. This information is stored to ensure safety, to analyse how our website and our wireless service interacts with you, and to perform our advertising and promotional activities.
The IP addresses are also used to deny access to our website and wireless communications to visitors who are not able to adhere to the conditions of use. Third parties organize and report the information they collect to offer better and more customized transaction and various types of customer support to you. Protect your privacy, your extra business information, and all types of on-line business information.
Don't pass on your person-related information to third parties. In order to avoid other people gathering and misusing your personally identifiable information, when you conclude a transactions (including making online reservations, making purchases, contacting members, or other changes to data), you should login from the Site and exit the screen before leaving the Site if you are sharing a computer with others.