Book Taxi uk

Booking a Taxi in Great Britain

Book quality airport transfers and taxi services throughout the UK. Booking online saves you time and money. Taxis are therefore much more expensive than public transport.

Reservation of a taxi in Great Britain

Taxi services are a way to get around the UK, pick you up from your base and take you directly to your final destinations. There are many taxi stands in the UK, often in front of railway yards, at aerodromes and in city-centers. On the campus of the University of Kent's Canterbury and Medway there are taxistands.

While in the UK you can use cabs that wait at taxi stops (e.g. for periods when you have not scheduled a trip in advance) and it is important that you ensure that the car is registered and take reasonable care. You will find the taxi at the front and back of the car, and you should also ask for your driver's license.

If you know a trip in advanced, we recommend that you book a taxi in advanced. Prior to boarding the taxi voucher, the taxi attendant knows the destination and confirms how much it will take to get there (if you have arranged a fare when you booked the taxi, please verify this fare).

When three or more of you want to go from the airports to the university, it's probably less expensive to split a taxi. Should you wish to take a taxi from the university to the university, you should book in advance as soon as you know your flying time.

If you are traveling from a London aerodrome to the University of Kent (Canterbury or Medway) you can count on payments in the order of £75 - £125. Costs differ according to which London airports you are arriving at and how many travelers (you may need a larger vehicle). Make sure you have the amount available in British currency (banknotes or coins) and make sure you are paying the chauffeur at the end of the trip.

Tips are not compulsory, but if you are satisfied with the services, you can tip the chauffeur. They can book a taxi by phone or by e-mail. It is recommended that you do this by e-mail so that you have confirmed the reservation in writing.

Your data: Air details: Your target adress ( e.g. Parkwood, University of Kent, Canterbury Campus, Kent). Ask the driver: (The taxi operator will usually ask you to call the taxi at least 24 hrs before your trip starts. Failure to reverse the reservation may result in payment of the full fee).

Attention: The taxi rider receives your data and real-time update about your current state. We use the following taxi services:

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