Hackney Taxi Licence
Taxi Hackney LicensePlease complete and submit a complete health reporting sheet stating your suitability to operate a registered car. Raising awareness of sexual exploitation of children upcoming course dates: Council shall have the power of appreciation to issue or deny the licence. Certain requests may be submitted to the General Authorisation and Regulatory Committee of the Council for consideration. Within 14 working days of the date of the decision, the applicant shall be informed in written terms of the result of the application.
Participation in the sensitization meeting for sexual exploitation of children and passing the Hackney Carriage Knowledge Test, the license can last up to 28 working day. Applicants may lodge an objection to any decisions with the Court of Justice within 21 working days of notification of the Council's decisions.
hackney-driving licence
For Hackney Rider Driving Licence applications, please complete the Hackney Rider Driving Licence Request Sheet (PDF/381KB/22 pages). There is a mandatory health checklist on the new chauffeur request sheet to be filled in by your general practitioner/ surgeon. They should also complete the Intelligent Information System (IDS) License Verification Request (PDF/94KB/1 page).
Together with the Drivers Filing you must complete and return a Disclosure and Blocking Services (DBS) Request Forms, which can be obtained from the Registration Office or South Lakeland House in Kendal. In case you already have an enhanced DBS certification, it must be date within three month of receipt of your request.
Riders must also perform a rider evaluation. LTS can either be called on 01524 858 326 or you can take a Hackney Carriage Test online. the applicant for a licence: If you have successfully completed the test, you must present your passing grade together with your request. Licensees: If you have successfully completed the test, you must send the passport to our licensing team by e-mail or mail.
If you are a new rider, you will need to make an appointement to be seen by a registration official. Dates are available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 9am and 12pm. To make an appointement, please get in touch with the license group. Please be sure to fill out your job request, include a current photograph, your driver's license, all other applicable documents and the corresponding fees. If you are an established Hackney coach license holder, you will be sent the appropriate request form approximately three month before your extension date.